Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Our Sound Home: Blogging Newsflash!

I have some fun news to share!

I have been in communication with the online editor for our local newspaper, The Kitsap Sun, and they would like me to begin blogging as one of their Reader Bloggers! I am thrilled about the opportunity to further interact with and support this community! I can't wait to get started. What this means is that I will make posts specifically for the Puget Sound Blogs site, mostly posts relating to our community along with some special projects on our home. When I post there, I will be sure and provide the links here so you can follow along. I'll also still be blogging here with DIY inspiration, projects, and other odds and ends that just make sense staying right here at Our Sound Home.

Stay tuned for more updates! I'll be sure and let you know when my first post is up at!


  1. Horray!! Congrats! Next thing you know you'll be blogging for Starbucks!

  2. Congratulations--they chose well! :)

  3. That's great news! I hope it's a fun job for you.

    In other news, please paint your door mustard yellow. That sounds amazing!

  4. Yay! I was just telling someone last night about how impressive your blog is. Do you get paid for this??

  5. Thanks Liz! I am super excited.

    I don't get paid as of right now. If I bring a lot of traffic to the site there is a possibility of starting a contract, though.

  6. SO COOL!!!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read your first Puget Sound Blog post!
